How Marketing Works for a Marketing Agency

It's "so meta". We Need Marketing Too
It’s like asking a finance company how they manage their money and allocate budget. Marketing is key for every business, as much as managing finances is to your business.

Today we’ll share how we, as digital marketers, use marketing to generate our own leads, clients, and drive sales. Now that’s meta…

Marketing in a Nutshell
As a small business or startup, your number one priority is likely sales. So, if—like every other business—you’re looking to meet that number one objective, you’re in luck because we’ve broken down our method for you. In a nutshell:

1. Build a Strong Online Presence
2. Engage Your Audience
3. Leverage Your Network
4. Avoid Sales Pitches
5. Use Your Online Presence as an Intermediary

More on our style and you can do the same:

Building a Strong Online Presence
First thing’s first, we focus on building a robust online presence. For us, this means being active and engaging on platforms like Instagram, our website, and LinkedIn. These platforms serve as our digital storefronts where potential clients can learn decide if they want to seal the deal.

Engaging with Our Social Media Audience
We’re not just posting content; we’re building a loyal, highly engaged social media audience. How? By keeping things personal and putting a face to our brand. Our followers aren’t just numbers; they’re people we connect with on a personal level. This loyalty shows itself in engagements (comments, likes, DMs, etc.) that boost our social media profiles and pushes our content to larger audiences.

Leveraging Personal Networks
Every connection counts—old high school friends, friends of friends, neighbours—everyone is a consumer of things. Your ideal customer could be right under your nose. We engage with our personal network and keep the conversations real. We get to know them, listen to their experiences, problems, and fascinations. It's all about building relationships.

Steering Away from Sales Pitches
Do you like to be sold to? Likely not… Instead of bombarding people with sales pitches, we keep it real. We connect with people on a personal level before we even mention our services. We let them ask us about ourselves—where we grew up, what we studied, our future goals, etc. This is where the real magic happens. This is where people have a chance to connect with us—whether that be that they have a mutual connection, a similar hobby or favourite food… Because we aren’t just a digital marketing agency—we are people with stories and personalities. We are the people behind the brand. The people drive the business and people like people.

Think of it like this: you go to a job interview and you and the interviewer bond over your love for weekend running… subconsciously, you’re a favourable candidate because the interviewer connected with you. You passed the first application stage. That means your initial application (CV and cover letter) passed the competency requirements. But now your interview will stand out and your chances of an offer have increased.

Back to the point: we let the question about our “job” or work come up naturally. And when we do eventually share the work we do and business we run, people often respond in admiration and surprise, especially because they connected with us first, then discovered something unexpected on their own agenda.

They build confidence in us personally before they build confidence in the work we can deliver. The latter order is key.

Using Our Online Presence as an Intermediary
Alongside building personal relationships, we’ve realised that clients check out our website and socials before approaching us with work. Our online profile acts as an intermediary that clients can monitor in their own time. They evaluate if they’re ready to work with us, which adds another layer of trust and comfort. Our digital profile is like your CV in your job application process. It’s our portfolio and evidence that builds confidence in the work we could do for them.

Summary: Digital Marketing and Relationship Building
In essence, we cultivate and build our personal network alongside our digital profile. Prospective clients from our personal network review our socials and decide in their own time. It’s a blend of digital marketing and relationship building. And that’s what works for us.

Takeaways for Your Digital Marketing Strategy
By incorporating these strategies, you can effectively build your online presence, engage with your audience, leverage your network, and avoid hard sales pitches. It’s all about building genuine relationships and letting your digital presence do the talking.

Remember, marketing isn’t just about selling products or services; it’s about connecting with people, understanding their needs, and offering solutions.
And that’s how us marketers market our businesses.

We’d love to hear what marketing you’re already doing and how you get new customers.

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